Plan on attending the American Public Health Associations's (APHA) annual meeting, November 6-10th in Denver, CO? Then please join the University of Washington School of Public Health for a networking reception for UW Public Health graduates.
You will also have the opportunity to meet our new dean, Howard Frumkin, formerly an agency director at the CDC.
Monday, November 8, 2010 from 6:30-8 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Denver, 650 15th Street, Room 406
Free, but RSVP is requested.
For more information and to RSVP, contact Tamara Burdic at
mailto:tamarab@u.washington.edu//or 206.221.6343
There are a variety Scientific Sessions featuring DEOHS faculty, staff, students, and alumni during the conference.
*Monday, November 8, 2010*
*8:30 AM-10:00 AM - Oral
3055: Blue/Green #1: Producing green and working safe
Special intersectional track on environmental and occupational justice
Green jobs, safe jobs – more than a buzz word
Hecker S, Delp L, Riley K, Willis M
*10:30 AM-11:30 AM
3085: Student Achievement Poster Session for the Environment Section
Association between urban street noise and neighborhood crime: A pilot
McAlexander T, Neitzel R, Gershon R
*12:30 PM-1:30 PM – Poster
3177: Occupational health and safety posters IV
Early versus late diagnostic MRI for low back pain among Washington
State Workers: Evaluation of one-year health status
Graves J, Fulton-Kehoe D, Wickizer T, Franklin G
*Implementation of a portable cholinesterase monitoring kit in a clinical
setting: A normalization process approach
Treadwell R, Keifer M
*Give me a test and I'll give you a diagnosis: Why we should have diagnostic tests to for pesticide overexposures
Keifer M, Liebman A
*12:30 PM-2:00 PM–Oral
3232: Updates in Occupational Epidemiology
Associations of occupation, job control, and job demands with
intima-media thickness: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Fujishiro K, Diez Roux A, Landsbergis P, Baron S L, Barr G, Kaufman J,
Polak J, Hinckley-Stukovsky K
*Tuesday, November 9, 2010*
*10:30 AM-12:00 PM
4104: Best practices: Strengthening the public sector and integrating care to improve health in low-income countries
Next generation of PEPFAR supports an Ethiopian University and a US University partnership to design a state-of-the-art outpatient care and teaching facility in Gondar, Ethiopia
Barnhart S, Keifer C,Feleke G, Downer A
*12:30 PM
4141: The Many Shades of Social (In)Justice - Taking a Closer Look
Public health in the Northwest: Looking at history to look to the future
Allan S, Hall K
*4176: Partnering with communities to address environmental and occupational justice concerns
Building sustainable partnerships with migrant farmworkers in rural Washington state
Keifer M
*4178: Health impact assessment: A decision making tool to enhance social justice
Use of health impact sssessment (HIA) to help inform decision making regarding natural gas drilling permits in Colorado
Witter R, Rada J, Stinson K, Scott K, Adgate J, Newman L
*2:30 PM
4239.3: Medical Care Section Poster Session X: Students
Evidence-based guidelines for advanced diagnostic imaging: Prediction and assessment of costs and utilization among Washington State workers with low back pain
Graves J, Fulton-Kehoe D, Wickizer T, Franklin G
*4264: Partners in research: Strengthening and evaluating models for equitable participation in environmental public health research and action
Well-being and health of migrant agricultural workers and their families
Keifer M
*Wednesday, November 10, 2010*
*10:30 AM-12:00 PM
5124.0: Updates on states: State-based occupational health surveillance roundtable
Moving from evidence to collaboration and action: Identifying and addressing causes of pesticide over-exposure in Washington state agricultural employees
Benavides R, Borges O, Jansen C, Keifer M, Morrissey B, Murphy H, Nicola B, Prado J
*12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
5177: NIOSH ERCs - Next Steps for Advancing Health and Safety
Addressing worker health disparities: NIOSH education and research centers' approaches and outcomes
Newman L, Conroy L, Gerberich S, Kotelchuck D, Seixas N
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